Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I'm currently training for my first Marathon Relay (I'm running the 10K leg) and at the same time raising money for Girls On The Run (GOTR). Basically GOTR is a non-profit program for girls ages 8-13 to promote healthy lifestyles, self-confidence, and training for a 3.1 mile race. Its all about inspiring young girls to feel good about themselves and offer support during the pre-teens years.

I've signed up to be a Solemate, which is the adult charity leg of GOTR that helps to raise money for local programs while also training for a race. My goal is to raise $300 by the end of May. Let's make it happen!!
Here is the link to donate My Fundraising Page .
Any amount would be wonderful!!!
Click here to learn more about Girls On The Run and Solemates !!!

Thank you!