Sunday, April 10, 2011


YAY!!! I've always wanted to do a giveaway on my blog and thanks to the AWESOME people at Bondi Band, I get to give away one of their amazing headbands!!

First off, I want to do a review for a headband they sent me to keep. It's one of their lycra patterned headbands. These are really slick feeling and light weight. I like to layer it over one of the sweat wicking (heavier material) bands to keep it from sliding when I'm working out. It definitely keeps my hair back and thats a HUGE deal for since I have long hair. I LOVE this pattern! Its a beautiful hippie-ish 1960's inspired pattern. SO CUTE!! Definitely would purchase more of these!


The hot pink "I run like a girl" headband is going to one lucky blog follower!! I put it on so you all could see how cute it is on! It's the sweat wicking material thats PERFECT for long runs or just keeping your hair back. I will be randomly selecting one winner on APRIL 18TH. Literally, I will put all the names in a hat and draw one out! :) Here's what you have to do to enter the giveaway....

1) Be a follower of A Girl In The Sunshine

2) Comment on this post about why you would LOVE to have a new Bondi Band!

3) For an extra entry, Post on your blog about the giveaway and link it to my blog. Then comment on my blog with the link to your giveaway post.

THATS IT!!! Good luck everyone!! GIVEAWAY ENDS APRIL 18TH at Midnight (central time)! I'll post the winner's name on my blog the following day so be sure to check back!!

The winner will have one week to respond to the winning post with their contact info. If I am unable to get in contact with the winner after one week, a new winner will be chosen.

YAY FOR BONDI BANDS!!!! Check out alllll the Bondi Bands at !!!