Saturday, January 29, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011

Winter X Games

Woke up this morning feeling....SICK! Achy and awful, don't you just hate it when you know you're getting sick and you keep trying to stop it (more vitamins, OJ, more sleep, washing your hands more, whatever you think will help keep the sickness at bay...) and then you wake up one morning and its're sick. yuck!

After a few more hours of sleep I made myself get out of bed and watch some TV. And then I found salvation to feeling crappy...THE WINTER X GAMES ARE ON!!!

I love snowboarding and it has totally slipped my mind that it was X Games time. So for a couple hours today I felt like I was on a min-vacation watching the men's snowboarding slopestyle in Aspen. Wishing I was there in person. Already DVR'd women's snowboarding superpipe for tomorrow night...

Check out X Games for the all the info and TV schedule...

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Right before Christmas, I met ALEX...and no ALEX is NOT a person...its a WATER BOTTLE!!! Whoop Whoop!! Alex bottles are these super cute reusable bottles that twist apart in the middle so you can actually clean them thoroughly (finally yay!!).

Plus they were co-founded by Gretchen Bleiler...check out all about her HERE. They come in fun colors and have a kind of "mod" look to them. AND they're dishwasher safe! I've been wanting to tell yall about these awesome bottles for awhile but I ordered one for my brother and sister-in-law for Christmas and didn't want to spoil the surprise!! Check out ALEX bottles on facebook or on their website Alex Bottle. And keep up the hydration!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year!!!

I hope you all had a fun and exciting New Years Eve and ready to start 2011 with new hopes and goals. It's Resolution time!!

But before I go into that, I want to tell you about my New Year's Eve. I participated in a 5K Beer Run...which was awesome!!! I had to carry a little plastic mug with me on the run and drink beer at the "water stations" along the race. It was a great way to kick-off the new year! And get was called the Resolution Run! Love it!!

Now for the resolution part...I really want to step up my running this year. I started last summer and I want to push myself to do more this year. So in 2011, I'm going to run 211 miles (roughly 4 miles a week) and run my first 10K. Also as an extra side-note, today my boyfriend and I signed up for our first Marathon Relay with some of our family members coming up in May!!

What are your New Years Resolutions!?