Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Be Nice to People

You never know when one small comment can change a person's day..or even a person's life.

Has a stranger ever complimented you for no apparent reason?

Ex: Hey I really like your shoes/nails/shirt/hair/whatever. And that one little comment made you forget how much you dislike your job? Or how crummy your day is going? Or that you've been late for every single appointment that day? Or that you failed your exam? Or anything that's keeping you from feeling happy?

 I really believe that its small acts of kindness from a stanger, family member, friend, or co-worker can change a person's outlook. So remember to just be nice to people.

They may not appreciate it at the time or totally blow you off but that could be because they're so over-the-top shocked at your random kindness that they don't know what to do. Or they're too caught up in what's going on in their to realize kindness when it's right in front of them. But then maybe they'll think about it later and realize that you were nice when you didn't have to be.

I'm sure you've felt that warm feeling when someone is nice to you for no apparent reason. Why not make someone else feel that way? Who knows, you could be that little push that changes their life or atleast makes their day.

Be nice out there! :)