Sunday, August 28, 2011

Angel Runner

This morning marked our second race of the "running season" and I was definitely not feeling great. One of those days where I wasn't feeling that MOTIVATION needed to power through the run. I had about 1/3 of the race left and had slowed down to a walking pace...then out of angel appeared! Okay so it wasn't a heavenly being with wings or some out of body experience...But it was a complete stranger, an Angel Runner, motivating me to pick it up and keep running!!

She ran up beside me, looking even more exhausted than me, and grabbed my shoulder saying...

AR: Come on, you can make it! We're almost there!
Me: Okay, okay let's go!
AR: If I push you to run then I have to too!
Me: *Laughing* Thank you! I really needed that!!

We continued to run and repeated to eachother "We're almost there! Come on!"

As we made it into the final turn, I boosted up my speed and ran through a dense pack of runners. After crossing the finish, I looked back to find my Angel Runner that had motivated me to push through the finish. She was nowhere to be seen! I kept walking and looking for her so I could thank her for befriending a stranger and helping me...I could never find her. Like she was never there at all!

Sometimes people come in and out of your life from brief moments when you really need them! So thank you Angel Runner for helping me out today! It reminded me how important and amazing a kind word or action from a stranger can be.

Has anyone else encountered the kindness of a stranger or been that Angel for a complete stranger? Human kindness should never be underestimated.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!!