Wednesday, August 24, 2011


And I'm back to blogging!!!
After taking the summer off from blogging...unintentionally of course..I had such a busy summer that I just ran out of time! BUT I'm back! Here's the scoop on my summer...

First off - I got ENGAGED!!! My fiance and I have been together forever! We were high school sweethearts and had to do the long distance relationship thing for awhile during the college years but finally last year, we got to be in the same place together! :) He popped the question on June 4th and I was beyond excited! I'm so blessed to be marrying such an incredible man!

Next up - Signed up for my first HALF MARATHON!! I'm running in the Nike Womens Marathon in San Francisco and am so pumped about it!! Ofcourse I am a little worried about all the steep hills but hopefully I can kick up my training and be somewhat prepared. PLUS all the finishers get a Tiffany's about motivation!!

Other than these two major events - my summer has involved working full time and wedding planning! It's been a great few months and I definitely ready for cooler weather and the crisp feeling of Fall.

How was your summer?! Hope all of you are happy and healthy!!