Monday, August 29, 2011

The Perfect Military Jacket

I know its only mid-August but I can't help it...I am ready for Fall!! And in my area of the country, I'd say we have atleast another month of warm weather before we get the glorious crisp mornings and falling leaves that make up Fall.

Anyway, the heat is not keeping me from endulging in some Fall shopping. Besides looking for a great new pair of knee high boots, I've been looking for the perfect army green military jacket. Definitely want it to be tailored for a womens body (not big and boxy) and work as a transition jacket for those slightly chilly Fall evenings. One problem...haven't found it yet! I've seen a few in random shops but haven't been able to find just the right fit. So my search continues...any suggestions!?

What's your Fall fashion must-have?!