Friday, April 30, 2010

Hola! Mi nombre es Sarah!

So I've decided its time for me to take on a new adventure! And for me that would mean finally becoming fluent in Spanish. Its something I've always wanted to do but I've gotten sidetracked along the way. My awesome brother just happens to own the Rosetta Stone program for Spanish and has agreed to let me borrow it. Yipeee!!! Granted I did take 4 years of Spanish in high school, quizzed out of a few college hours, and actually took one college Spanish course....BUT I still want to know it well... really really well! And I figure there is no better time than the present to learn something new! So now begins the adventure of trying to learn more espanol through Rosetta Stone. I'll let you all know how it goes!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Here are 5 fabulous ways to celebrate EARTH DAY!!

5) Recycle allllll day long. It seems like these days almost everything can be recycled. Look at the bottom of all the bottles (plastic, glass, etc) and cups. Even the ones that seem styrofoam may actually be something else that is recyclable. And definitely paper products. Plus, its so easy!! Today is a great day to start your own recycle bins.

4) Plant a Tree. Or do some gardening. Something outside to help the natural environment in your community. If you don't want to do it on your own, there are usually a few community groups you can volunteer with on Earth Day.

3) Ride a Bike or Walk. Ditch your car and grab that bike out of your garage. You'll be getting exercise and bicycles do not pollute the environment. If you have to drive to get to work/school, atleast consider carpooling. Its better to have one car one the road than 2 or 3 going the same place.

2)Check out Earth Day Celebrations in you Community. Usually by googling, you can find out if there are any festivities in your area. These are great places to learn more about the environment. Plus there us usually live music, eco-friendly crafts, and food. College campuses almost always have some sort of Earth Day activities.

1) Watch Captain Planet! This is one of my favorite television shows from my childhood. If you're not familiar, check out the link. It definitely taught children and adults how to be more environmentally responsible. GO PLANET!!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

American Honey

She grew up on a side of the road
Where the church bells ring and strong love grows
She grew up good
She grew up slow
Like American honey

Steady as a preacher
Free as a weed
Couldn't wait to get goin'
But wasn't quite ready to leave
So innocent, pure and sweet
American honey

There's a wild, wild whisper
Blowin' in the wind
Callin' out my name like a long lost friend
Oh I miss those days as the years go by
Oh nothing's sweeter than summertime
And American honey

-Lady Antebellum "American Honey"

Monday, April 19, 2010

What I am LOVING right now!

1) MAC Kohl Eye Pencil in Raven. Its this awesome black with red shimmery sparkles (MAC website describes the color as "intense red with black pearl".) It is such a fun contrast to the normal black black black eyeliner look. And its really flattering on lots of skin tones/eye colors.

2) Clipa Purse Hanger. I recently came across this online ( and I'm so impressed! I've seen other purse hangers before but this one is different because it can just stay hooked on your purse handle all the time and holds up to 45 lbs!!! Plus it comes in many different colors so it will blend in with the hardware on your bag. I don't have one yet but I really really want one! Oh and one more thing, this clip will keep your purse from just sitting on the floor at restaurants, bars, etc...which means your bag won't be collecting lots of yucky bacteria on the bottom on it. Genius!!

3) Banana Boat Summer Color Self-Tanning Lotion in Deep Dark Color. I heard about this product from one my girlfriends last year and its the best self-tanner I've ever used. It doesn't have that gross self-tanner smell and it doesn't streak! Its made for all skin tones and doesn't make your skin that weird orange color. I used it for a few days before my friend's wedding last summer and it looked really natural. Plus no skin damage like fake baking!

4) Chaco Sandals (Z/1 Unaweep). Bought a pair last summer and love them! They are great for hiking, float trips, camping, and the lake. They are super comfortable and made from recycled materials. So if you're doing anything outdoorsy this spring/summer, these are fantastic!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

My Country, 'Tis of Thee

Most fashion we encounter as Americans has been inspired by different countries and cultures...well that is about to change. This spring, one of the hottest trends is inspired by the good ol' US of A! Americana Fashion!! Yay for the stars & stripes!! You'll see nautical stripes with florals and mixtures of stars in ways never seen before. Love love love this! Usually its hard to wear red,white, and blue alllllll together without looking like a 4th of July firecracker. Not anymore!! These designs look so fabulous and patrotic without trying too hard. If you want to see more runway photos go to Women's Wear Daily. America, tres chic!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

On the Road, Again!

I have the most amazing man in my life. I really do. He is funny, smart, handsome, athletic, and kind. Perfect, no? The only hitch is that he lives 4 1/2 hours from me. But I guess every relationship has its issue. Some couples have issues with religion, family, commitment, morals, or finances. Ours just happens to be geographical location.. which means lots of time on the road driving to see eachother. But we do manage to make the best of our current long distance situation (and I believe we've actually mastered the art of long distance relationships haha!). So if anyone out there needs advice..feel free to ask me. Despite the current 4 1/2 hour stretch of road between us, I am very hopeful we will get to live together in the same place very soon. Until then, I try to stay positive about our current distance situation and appreciate all the wonderful parts of our relationship that are amazing.  

And for those people trying to make a long distance relationship work, remember that it is much more dependent on what you say to eachother. Since you don't get as much face time as a 'normal' relationship, you have to really make phone conservations count and make sure the other person knows how you feel. Don't forget to tell them how much they mean to you. It may mean more to them than you can imagine! 

Love you B!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sunny Saturday

There are few things better than a sunny and warm Saturday afternoon with nothing to do. Its beautiful outside today. Light wind, hardly any clouds. I'll be spending what remains of the afternoon on the back deck in the sun soaking up some of that late afternoon sunshine.

Hope you take a moment to enjoy the afternoon!

Friday, April 9, 2010

What I LOVE about Spring!

Since the weather is finally staying above 50 degrees (atleast during the day) I think its safe to say that SPRING IS FINALLY HERE!!! And its only going to get warmer. So with that said, here is my list of the Top 5 Things I LOVE about Spring!! Grab your bike and enjoy the ride!

5) Fresh Cut Grass. Everytime I go outside, someone new in the neighborhood is mowing their lawns or gardening. There is something about that fresh cut grass smell that reminds me of summer nights and freedom. I just want to be running around barefoot enjoying those warm evenings.

4) Baseball. Since Opening Day officially came and went, its baseball season!! whoop whoop!! Let's all get out our gloves and grab a friend. It's time to take part in America's greatest pastime. HEEYY Batter Batter!

3) Flowers. And not only flowers, but everything in natures is BLOOMING. Every tree, every flower, every piece of grass is coming back to life. Plus with everything blooming, taking a walk down the street is like strolling into a flower shop.

2) Strappy Sandals and Dresses. Yipeee!!! Time to put away those bulky sweater and show a little more skin! Springtime means those cute shoes you wear year round will actually be showing (instead of hiding underneath jeans). Plus nothing is more comfortable than a lightweight spring/summer dress. If you were sad during the winter months, spring fashion is enough to bring you out of your blues and into the sunshine!

1) Longer Days. Well...atleast it feels like it. The shortest day of the year happened way back in the winter, so with each passing day the sun is setting later and later. Which is kind of perfect because with this spring weather, you'll want to stay out later and enjoy it!

YEEAAHHH FOR SPRING!!! Hope you're out there treasuring those spring evenings!!! Oh and a bonus reason I love's ALMOST SUMMER!!