Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Here are 5 fabulous ways to celebrate EARTH DAY!!

5) Recycle allllll day long. It seems like these days almost everything can be recycled. Look at the bottom of all the bottles (plastic, glass, etc) and cups. Even the ones that seem styrofoam may actually be something else that is recyclable. And definitely paper products. Plus, its so easy!! Today is a great day to start your own recycle bins.

4) Plant a Tree. Or do some gardening. Something outside to help the natural environment in your community. If you don't want to do it on your own, there are usually a few community groups you can volunteer with on Earth Day.

3) Ride a Bike or Walk. Ditch your car and grab that bike out of your garage. You'll be getting exercise and bicycles do not pollute the environment. If you have to drive to get to work/school, atleast consider carpooling. Its better to have one car one the road than 2 or 3 going the same place.

2)Check out Earth Day Celebrations in you Community. Usually by googling, you can find out if there are any festivities in your area. These are great places to learn more about the environment. Plus there us usually live music, eco-friendly crafts, and food. College campuses almost always have some sort of Earth Day activities.

1) Watch Captain Planet! This is one of my favorite television shows from my childhood. If you're not familiar, check out the link. It definitely taught children and adults how to be more environmentally responsible. GO PLANET!!