Sunday, April 11, 2010

On the Road, Again!

I have the most amazing man in my life. I really do. He is funny, smart, handsome, athletic, and kind. Perfect, no? The only hitch is that he lives 4 1/2 hours from me. But I guess every relationship has its issue. Some couples have issues with religion, family, commitment, morals, or finances. Ours just happens to be geographical location.. which means lots of time on the road driving to see eachother. But we do manage to make the best of our current long distance situation (and I believe we've actually mastered the art of long distance relationships haha!). So if anyone out there needs advice..feel free to ask me. Despite the current 4 1/2 hour stretch of road between us, I am very hopeful we will get to live together in the same place very soon. Until then, I try to stay positive about our current distance situation and appreciate all the wonderful parts of our relationship that are amazing.  

And for those people trying to make a long distance relationship work, remember that it is much more dependent on what you say to eachother. Since you don't get as much face time as a 'normal' relationship, you have to really make phone conservations count and make sure the other person knows how you feel. Don't forget to tell them how much they mean to you. It may mean more to them than you can imagine! 

Love you B!