Friday, April 9, 2010

What I LOVE about Spring!

Since the weather is finally staying above 50 degrees (atleast during the day) I think its safe to say that SPRING IS FINALLY HERE!!! And its only going to get warmer. So with that said, here is my list of the Top 5 Things I LOVE about Spring!! Grab your bike and enjoy the ride!

5) Fresh Cut Grass. Everytime I go outside, someone new in the neighborhood is mowing their lawns or gardening. There is something about that fresh cut grass smell that reminds me of summer nights and freedom. I just want to be running around barefoot enjoying those warm evenings.

4) Baseball. Since Opening Day officially came and went, its baseball season!! whoop whoop!! Let's all get out our gloves and grab a friend. It's time to take part in America's greatest pastime. HEEYY Batter Batter!

3) Flowers. And not only flowers, but everything in natures is BLOOMING. Every tree, every flower, every piece of grass is coming back to life. Plus with everything blooming, taking a walk down the street is like strolling into a flower shop.

2) Strappy Sandals and Dresses. Yipeee!!! Time to put away those bulky sweater and show a little more skin! Springtime means those cute shoes you wear year round will actually be showing (instead of hiding underneath jeans). Plus nothing is more comfortable than a lightweight spring/summer dress. If you were sad during the winter months, spring fashion is enough to bring you out of your blues and into the sunshine!

1) Longer Days. Well...atleast it feels like it. The shortest day of the year happened way back in the winter, so with each passing day the sun is setting later and later. Which is kind of perfect because with this spring weather, you'll want to stay out later and enjoy it!

YEEAAHHH FOR SPRING!!! Hope you're out there treasuring those spring evenings!!! Oh and a bonus reason I love's ALMOST SUMMER!!