Monday, August 30, 2010

Paddle Surfing

Last weekend I was spending some time at a lake with my family and Brock. We were just relaxing, watching the water and then all of a sudden...we see people PADDLE SURFING!!!

At the time, I didn't even know what it was called. And for those that don't know...paddle surfing (also heard it was called paddle boarding) is where someone stands on a surfboard-type board and uses a long paddle used for moving you through the water. I've only seen anyone do this a couple times, but I think it looks sooooo fun! I would love to give it a try!

Has anyone ever been paddle surfing?!?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Eat*Pray*Love - The Book

Just finished Eat, Pray, Love know what that means....I can finally see the movie!! Yippeee!! I'm actually planning on seeing it tomorrow with my mom (we've both just finished reading the book).

It was so inspirational to read about a woman going through the hardest time in her life and evolving into a peaceful, happy, and balanced person. It is the essential "You can get through anything" and "It's okay to let go of the past" book. Definitely worth your time!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Stuck Like Glue

Yayyyy!!! Finally a new SUGARLAND album!! Sugarland is my fav band OF ALL TIME!! Their new record, The Incredible Machine, comes out October 9th. Their first single is called Stuck Like Glue and the song is so cute and up-beat. The lyrics make it sound like a sweety-sweet love song...then you see the music video...hahaha! It is HILARIOUS! Totally not what I was have to watch it!

You and me baby we're stuck like glue!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

First Attempt at Trail Running...

Two days ago...Brock and I thought we'd go for a nice little run along this lake near where we live. We saw a sign from a .6 mile trail through the woods towards the beach, so we thought...WHY NOT! We started our run through the thick foresty trees...which was absolutely gorgeous...but at about the 1 mile mark, we realized we were nowhere near a beach or the end of the trail. So we decided to keep going...thinking that maybe it was a loop...we didn't examine the map at the beginning too well.

 About 3.2 miles later....we made it back to our car and realized we'd made a GIANT loop with some backtracking. Just goes to show can start out your day thinking its going to be a nice little jog and by the end, you've run a 5K!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thoughtful Tuesday!

Thoughtful Tuesday! Okay, so today I'm trying something new...I want to you guys to tell me a little more about yourselves by answering this one simple (ok...maybe not so simple) question....What would you wish for if you had one chance? 

It doesn't have to be something "profound" or all world encompassing (unless you want it to be). It can be something personal like...I wish I could eat healthier or I wish I could take today off and go to the beach. I just want to know what's on your mind today! This is your genie in a bottle moment...what would you wish?

Monday, August 16, 2010

On the Prowl!

Artist formerly known as Prince...I want these leggings!!!

Just picked up the GIANT Glamour September issue...still waiting to get Vogue's...and on the cover is Jennifer Lopez in....get ready for this...LEOPARD PRINT!!! Now I've not always big a fan of animal print things. But I fell in love with leopard/zebra about a year ago. And for this fall...I AM LOVING IT!!! JLo looks awesome and I'm totally diggin' all this trend has to offer! Check it out! RRAARRRR!!

Christine Louboutin leopard peep-toe pumps...wish I could afford these...a girl can always dreams!

Animal print accessories (aka scarf)...just an added pop of print! Love it!

Sexy and classic leopard print!
Snow Leopard TOMS = wear with everything!!

And....drumroll please...last but not least...these leopard print TOMS! New for fall! If you haven't heard of TOMS, they make these really comfy loafer-esque shoes. And for every pair you buy, they donate a pair to a child in need. How awesome is that?!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Roc Joc DJ

Looking for a DJ?!? Brock, his brothers, and dad own Roc Joc DJ - a full service mobile DJ business. They are really professional and have tons of music! I know you probably think I'm partial since Brock is my boyfriend...but honestly they really do a great job. I would hire them for anything!

Roc Joc DJ is great from any type of party - graduation, pool party, sorority and fraternity parties, corporate events, weddings, and receptions. Check out Roc Joc DJ's blog!!

Chloe's Giveaway!

GIVEAWAY!!! Click on over to Tryin' to Throw My Arms Around the World and check out the awesome giveaway from Chloe and her mom. They are giving away an item from The Black Dog to one lucky winner!! Go to her blog for details!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Eat Pray Love

Last week, I started reading Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love....otherwise known as the Julia Robert's blockbuster coming out this Friday! Although I'm only on page 44, I made an agreement with myself that I wouldn't see the movie until I finished the book...hopefully I'll be done by Friday! Haha! 

By page 24, I was totally hooked on this book. Liz is talking with a ninth generation medicine man in Indonesia seeking advice about finding balance between enjoying earth's delights and devoting herself to God. His response was this...

"To find the balance you want this is what you must become. You must keep your feet grounded so firmly on the earth that it's like you have four legs, instead of two. That way you can stay in the world. But you must stop looking at the world through your head. You must look through your heart, instead. That way, you will know God."

I love that advice! Hope this brings a little balance to your day!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Only Prettier

Well I've been saved by the grace of southern charm...

Announcing Miranda Lambert's new country music video for her song "Only Prettier"! It's so sassy and fun! Plus Kellie Pickler, Laura Bell Bundy *Giddy on Up, Giddy on Out*, and Hillary Scott (from Lady Antebellum) are alllll in the music video too! It's totally like a Grease style sock-hop dance with Good Girls vs. Bad Girls. So cute! Check it out here!!

"We might think a little differently, but we got a lot in common you will see. We're just like you....only prettier!" -Miranda Lambert

Friday, August 6, 2010



A few nights ago I got to see LADY GAGA in concert and all I can say is...AMAZING! She has such an incredible voice and stage presence. It was the best concert I've ever been to!! Plus me and my man were sitting with really fun GAGA fanatics so we all danced the whole night. And sooo many people were dressed up in these really creative Gaga inspired outifts (including yours truly). Gaga herself wore beautiful costumes (sooo many costume changes) and her dancers were cRaZy good! All in all it was a fantastic night!!

Bad song of the night!

Gaga on the jumbo screen...she could even belt out the songs laying down!

Beautiful costume with wings.

GAGA tour bus!

If you get the change to see her in concert...GO!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Confessions on Conquering 26.2


Fellow bloggers, Chloe and Christy, have started a new running blog together that is really cute! Check it out at Confessions on Conquering 26.2. They are documenting their lives on the way to running a marathon. As a runner (a very new to running runner), I'm so excited to see what they write about. And in celebration of their new blog...they're giving away free running stuff!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!

Good luck with training girls!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Steel Magnolia

I saw this music video the other day on CMT and LOVED IT!!! Great new love song by Steel Magnolia called "Just by Being You." Check out the video!

"And I'll take off my halo,
if you take off your wings,
You don't have to be invincible,
cause I sure ain't no saint,
You'll always be my angel
no matter what you do,
Cause you take me to heaven,
just by being you."

Monday, August 2, 2010

Shout Out!!

I just want to give a quick SHOUT OUT to my friend Meg! Every Monday she holds a Mingle Party on her blog Life of Meg where you can find other blogs to follow and they can find you. Its really fun and easy!! So if you're wanting to find more readers for your blog...check it out!! I guarantee you'll find cute ones you want to follow as well!!

And thanks to all the bloggers that have found me through Mingle Mondays. I'm so happy to have yall as followers! :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Running Skirts


Now that I'm through with eye surgery...I'm getting back into running again! YAYY!! I was in a running store yesterday and I saw these awesome looking Nike running skirts. I didn't try one on but they look super comfy. Plus I love how they are kinda girly!
 Has anyone ever been running in one of these?? If so, is it better than shorts and what brands are best?? I'd love to know!