Thursday, August 19, 2010

First Attempt at Trail Running...

Two days ago...Brock and I thought we'd go for a nice little run along this lake near where we live. We saw a sign from a .6 mile trail through the woods towards the beach, so we thought...WHY NOT! We started our run through the thick foresty trees...which was absolutely gorgeous...but at about the 1 mile mark, we realized we were nowhere near a beach or the end of the trail. So we decided to keep going...thinking that maybe it was a loop...we didn't examine the map at the beginning too well.

 About 3.2 miles later....we made it back to our car and realized we'd made a GIANT loop with some backtracking. Just goes to show can start out your day thinking its going to be a nice little jog and by the end, you've run a 5K!