Monday, May 31, 2010

Carrie On

Yayyy!!! Carrie is back!!! Sex and The City 2 came out in theatres this past weekend and I finally got to see it tonight!! And the FASHION IS FABULOUS!!! The movie was super cute and a great movie for a girls night out. The Sex and The City girls head to Abu Dhabi this time and embark on many funny and fashionable adventures. If you liked the first movie, you'll definitely like this one too!

I also finished Candace Bushnell's newest book, The Carrie Diaries. It is such a fun, fast read and introduces you to Carrie Bradshaw before she moves to NYC. This book follows her life as a small-town girl finishing up her senior year of high school. Definitely chick-lit and definitely a fun summer read! Get ready for a sequel to this book too! The ending is fabulous!

“I like my money right where I can see it... hanging in my closet.” -Carrie Bradshaw

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Don't Forget the Sunblock!

I love being out in the sun as much as anyone but now that its sunny and hot hot hot, sunscreen is a must! Yesterday I tried out a new sunblock and it is the BEST one I've ever used. Its called Neutrogena Ultimate Sport (sunblock spray). It feels really really light when it goes on your skin...unlike that heavy oily feeling that lotions have and it smells sooo good. Plus Neutrogena makes it in high SPFs (mine is 70+), so it really does protect your skin. Its waterproof, sweatproof, and won't clog pores (or cause breakouts). Basically its everything you want in a sunscreen. I also use the Neutrogena Sport Face Lotion so you're not trying to spray your face with a sunscreen.

After you spray your bod with the sunscreen, make sure to rub it in...I tried my first 'spray' sunscreen a couple summers ago and didn't rub it in...I got a sunburn that looked like grafitti!! Really splotchy and ouchy! No fun!

Even if you tan easily/never burn, your skin still gets damaged from the sun!! So before you're out there playing in the sun be sure to spray on some sunblock! You're skin will stay young, healthy, and wrinkle-free soo much longer!

For those of you that want a really good looking tan without the skin damage (tanning beds are sooo bad for you), try Banana Boat Summer Color Self-Tanning Lotion in Deep Dark Color. I've tried soooo many self-tanner and this is by far my fav! It doesn't look orange or have that funky sunless tanner scent. After a few hours, you get a really beautiful non-streaky tan. Gorgeous and safe for your skin! If you have fav sunblocks or self-tanners, I'd love to know about them!


Friday, May 28, 2010

Hello Summer!

Finally its Memorial Day Weekend and its HOT!! We're heading out to ride our dirtbikes, swim in the lake, and soak up some sun! I'm walking out the door right now! Yayy!!

 How are you spending the long weekend?! I'd LOVE to hear!


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Apache Blessing

*Me hiking near Hanging Lake, Colorado*

"May the sun
bring you new energy by day
May the moon
softly restore you by night
May the rain
wash away your worries
May the breeze
blow new strength into your being
May you walk
gently through the world and know
its beauty all the days of your life."
— Apache Blessing

Saturday, May 22, 2010

True Friends

We all have friends that come and go in our lives. Friends from childhood, high school, college, work, and beyond. But there are always a few special friends that you may not get to visit or speak with often and when you do, it is as if no time has passed at all. You pick up right where you left off and immediately have that same relationship from weeks, months, or years before. Those friends are the ones you'll have forever. They'll support you, defend you, cry with you, laugh with you, and love you for exactly who you are.

“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”
 -Eleanor Roosevelt

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and get to spend time with amazing friends!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Taylor Swift is amazing!! I went to her concert in April and LOVED it!! Not only is she a very talented and adorable country singer, she is a really great role model for young girls. I saw so many little ones screaming for Taylor and dressing like her too! It was so cute! Plus I never see any press about Taylor 'behaving badly' which much be awesome for all those parents out there who have youngins that worship her! haha!

One of my favorite Taylor Swift songs is FEARLESS!!

We all have fears that we deal with everyday...but we need to remind ourselves that fear can keep us from living our lives. It can keep us from being happy! So when you're feeling fearful today...try letting it go...release whatever fear burden is keeping you down...its the easiest way to lose a few pounds. :-)

I got this from Kandee Johnson's blog...
  F false
         E evidence
           A appearing
R real

There's somethin' 'bout the way
The street looks when it's just rained
There’s a glow off the pavement
Walk me to the car
And you know I wanna ask you to dance right there
In the middle of the parking lot

We're drivin' down the road
I wonder if you know
I'm tryin' so hard not to get caught up now
But you're just so cool
Run your hands through your hair
Absent mindedly makin' me want you
And I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why but with you I'd dance
In a storm in my best dress

So baby drive slow
‘Til we run out of road in this one horse town
I wanna stay right here in this passenger’s seat
You put your eyes on me
In this moment now capture it remember it

And I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why but with you I’d dance
In a storm in my best dress

Well you stood there with me in the doorway
my hands shake
I'm not usually this way but
You pull me in and I’m a little more brave
It’s the first kiss, it's flawless, really somethin’, it’s fearless.

And I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why but with you I’d dance
In a storm in my best dress

Monday, May 17, 2010

Guilty As Charged

The Hills on MTV has recently become one of my guilty pleasures. I know this show has been going on for fact when I was in high school, it was still called Laguna they've all graduated..moved to LA...and so it has become The Hills. I used to catch it when I was channel surfing but now I watch every week because this season is CRAZY!!! Before you read any further check out the The Hills - Season Teaser. DRAMA!!!

For those of you that don't know Speidi (ya know...Spencer and Heidi Pratt) have gone loco en la cabesa lately! Heidi had 30-some plastic surgeries previous to this season in which US Weekly called her "Franken-Barbie." It really is pretty sad. And to top it off, Spencer has some serious anger issues and is constantly freaking out. Plus throw in all the other characters, lots of partying, relationship drama, and run-ins with the law and you get a train wreck of a show that I can't resist. Its kind of turning into Jerry Springer!! Anyway, if you haven't caught any of the episodes this season...they re-run on MTV 24/7 and they're online at The Hills website. Or catch it right off the press - Tuesdays at 10/9c on MTV.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hey Batter Batter!!

SAAAWWWIIINNNGGG BATTERRR!!! Okay so the weather outside today was my boyfriend and I played some good ol' fashioned American baseball. haha! This made me think about allll of the baseball movies I love to watch! So with no further ado...Here are my FAVORITE BASEBALL MOVIES OF ALL TIME!!!








There are soo soo sooo many baseball movies out there!! I'd love to hear your faves!! :-) Take me out to the ball game!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

GAGA for Gaga!

I LOVE Lady Gaga! I think she is so new, fresh, and funky! Not to mention a very very talented singer and songwriter. Each song of hers sounds like nothing else out on the market AND her theatrical performances are sooo incredible. Every music video just sucks you into this crazy world that is Lady Gaga. And for those of you that think shes just another "pop star"...get this! At 14, she was playing night clubs in New York and by 17 she received early admission to the Tisch School of the Arts at NYU. Now 23, signed at age 20, she's literally taking over the pop music scene. Plus she helps design the costumes for her concerts and videos which are so beautiful and intriguing.

She also has worked with MAC Cosmetics to create a really cute barbie-pink lipstick color (which I happen to have and love) for their Viva Glam collection which donates every cent of the sales price to MAC AIDS Fund to support people living with AIDS.

If you want to watch a video of Lady Gaga, here is a link to her singing Speechless on The Ellen Show. It really displays her singing abilities! Plus this is one of my favorite Gaga songs!! She tells Ellen in and interview that she always sings live (doesn't lip sync) which surprises Ellen. Lady Gaga's follows with "I'm a singer, isn't that what we're supposed to do...sing."

“And, now, I'm just trying to change the world one sequin at a time.” -Lady Gaga

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pilates Time

Its officially mid-May which means we're getting closer and closer to......SWIMSUIT SEASON!!! EEEEEK!!! So I decided (yesterday officially haha!) to start a new exercise routine. I went to a Pilates class with my mom and aunt and LOVED it!! I've taken Pilates classes before but they were always just "mat" classes. No other equipment.

In yesterday's class, we did a little mat work but then used these really cool Pilates machines called "Reformers." Sounds serious, huh? Well it was sooo awesome! You use your own body weight and resistance springs to give your body a work out. It really stretches out your back and makes your whole body feel lengthened when you're done. If you have used a Reformer before, I would love to hear you think about them!! Or if you have another fun way to workout!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chick Lit Alert !!!

WARNING: The following is all about cute and romantic books I've read and would recommend. Manly men may not want to read the rest of this post...hahaha! But seriously, I've read some really great books over the past year and I just want to share some of my fav titles for summer reading (a.k.a. girly, fun reads).

THE SUGAR QUEEN by Sarah Addison Allen
Josey is kind of a "repunzel" type girl...stuck taking care of her ungrateful mother in their huge house instead of living her own life. She leads a very lonely existence of romance novels and junk food (specifically candy) until Della Lee comes into her life and shakes it up. This is a magical story about gaining confidence, finding love, and making your own place in the world. Plus it has a great ending!! Also, I've read her other books Garden Spells and The Girl Who Chased the Moon and I'd recommend them too!

PRAYERS FOR SALE by Sandra Dallas
This was such an enjoyable read especially if you're partial to the Rocky Mountains or enjoy novels with historial backgrounds. It takes place in 1930's Colorado in the town of Middle Swan. Hennie is an eighty-something trying to figure out if she should leave everything she knows in Middle Swan to move to the South to move in with her daughter or if she should stick out her golden years in the mountains. She meets Nit, a seventeen year old, new to the Rockies and very naive. This is a story about strong women in a mining town looking to eachother for insight and friendship. It really made me realize how incredible the people (especially women) during this time period had to be to survive!

I know the movie came out a couple years ago and you've probably already seen it..BUT this book is such a fun read! The book goes into a lot more detail. Plus, the funny situations Becky gets into are priceless! She is trying to figure out her life, love, and ways to avoid the bank manager. I expecially loved this read because I've been that girl that doesn't want to open her credit card bill for fear of seeing that "amount due" at the bottom of the page. haha! So if you want a super fast read, pick this one up! Then invite your girls over and watch the movie :-)
I read this book around Halloween time because I've always been intrigued by the Salem Witch Trials. Connie Goodwin is a graduate student trying to find a topic for her thesis when she is called to ready her grandmother's abandoned house for sale near Salem. She finds a key, a physick book, and an undeniably need to unearth the past. I don't want to tell you anymore because the book too good!! If you like mysteries and history, you'll really enjoy this book.

THE CARRIE DIARIES by Candace Bushnell
I just started reading this last night and I already love it!! It you like Sex and The City (series, movie, or book) you'll really really enjoy this book. This book shows the background of Carrie before she was wearing Manolos and writing in NYC. The story depicts her life as a normal high school senior trying to survive small  town Connecticut in the late 1970's. So far it is FABULOUS!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May the road rise up to meet you...

I have always loved this Irish blessing and with the storms of yesterday (literally the tornadoes throughout the midwest) and the unknown futures ahead, I thought today would be a good day to share this with you all.

“May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be ever at your back.
 May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rain fall softly on your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.”

Share this with someone who might need a little comfort in their life. Hope everyone is enjoying today's sunshine!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Makin' Me Fall in Love Again

"People will tell ya that this kind of love will fade
That being in love like this is only a phase
But baby after all this time ain't nothin' changed
All you gotta do is look at me that way

And there you go
Makin' me fall in love again
There you go
Makin' me fall in love again
Oh and I gotta tell ya, there's nothin' better
You and me together, workin' on forever
Everyday with you is always somethin' new
You only gotta be yourself
And there you go
Makin' me fall in love again

Baby sometimes you can say the craziest things
I love how you don't care what nobody thinks
You're highly original, totally in-typical
Never change
All I gotta do is look at your smiling face

And there you go
Makin' me fall in love again
There you go
Makin' me fall in love again
Oh and I gotta tell ya, there's nothin' better
You and me together, workin' on forever
Everyday with you is always somethin' new
You only gotta be yourself
And there you go
Makin' me fall in love again

You're my sunshine, you're my rain
Sure feels good to know you feel the same

I gotta tell ya, there's nothin' better
You and me together, workin' on forever
Everyday with you is always somethin' new
You only gotta be yourself
And there you go
Makin' me fall in love again
There you go
Makin' me fall in love again
There you go
Makin' me fall in love again
There you go, there you go"

-Kellie Pickler "Makin' Me Fall in Love Again"

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Herb Gardens, Angel Wings, & Pumpkin Seeds

Yayy for beautiful afternoons!!! With the rain we're supposed to get almost every day this week...we decided (my mom and I) to spent the afternoon gardening together. We were having so much fun at the garden shop that we ended up buying too many flowers for the number of flowerpots we have. Sooo some of the flowers are a little crammed together..hehe!  I hadn't planted anything in a really long time and had forgotten how fun it is to play in the dirt and make a huge mess. It really is the simple things in life that are the most special. :-)

Here is a picture of my first ever herb garden!!! I'm pretty proud of it..hehe! I planted Basil, Parsley, Lavender, Chives, and Cilantro.

This is a really cool plant I found today called "Angel Wings." I thought it was so unique and beautiful!! 

Here is tomato plant we bought for my mom's "topsy turvy" upside-down gadget to grow tomatoes. We'll see if it works!! :-)

And we decided to try something brand new today and planted pumpkin seeds!! I have no idea if they will actually sprout and someday become real pumpkins..hahaha! So if anyone has any "pumpkin advice" please let me know. I have this feeling that our dog will dig up the seeds and eat them, and then we'll be watering a pile of dirt wondering where the pumpkins are!! haha!! 
Happy Gardening!!!