Saturday, May 8, 2010

Herb Gardens, Angel Wings, & Pumpkin Seeds

Yayy for beautiful afternoons!!! With the rain we're supposed to get almost every day this week...we decided (my mom and I) to spent the afternoon gardening together. We were having so much fun at the garden shop that we ended up buying too many flowers for the number of flowerpots we have. Sooo some of the flowers are a little crammed together..hehe!  I hadn't planted anything in a really long time and had forgotten how fun it is to play in the dirt and make a huge mess. It really is the simple things in life that are the most special. :-)

Here is a picture of my first ever herb garden!!! I'm pretty proud of it..hehe! I planted Basil, Parsley, Lavender, Chives, and Cilantro.

This is a really cool plant I found today called "Angel Wings." I thought it was so unique and beautiful!! 

Here is tomato plant we bought for my mom's "topsy turvy" upside-down gadget to grow tomatoes. We'll see if it works!! :-)

And we decided to try something brand new today and planted pumpkin seeds!! I have no idea if they will actually sprout and someday become real pumpkins..hahaha! So if anyone has any "pumpkin advice" please let me know. I have this feeling that our dog will dig up the seeds and eat them, and then we'll be watering a pile of dirt wondering where the pumpkins are!! haha!! 
Happy Gardening!!!