Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pilates Time

Its officially mid-May which means we're getting closer and closer to......SWIMSUIT SEASON!!! EEEEEK!!! So I decided (yesterday officially haha!) to start a new exercise routine. I went to a Pilates class with my mom and aunt and LOVED it!! I've taken Pilates classes before but they were always just "mat" classes. No other equipment.

In yesterday's class, we did a little mat work but then used these really cool Pilates machines called "Reformers." Sounds serious, huh? Well it was sooo awesome! You use your own body weight and resistance springs to give your body a work out. It really stretches out your back and makes your whole body feel lengthened when you're done. If you have used a Reformer before, I would love to hear you think about them!! Or if you have another fun way to workout!