Friday, October 29, 2010


HAPPY EARLY HALLOWEEN!!! I hope you have a fun, crazy, exciting, magical, mysterious, and safe Halloween! And thank you all for following my blog! It's been a blast writing this blog for the past 6 months and I love reading all your comments! 

Much love!

I'd Rather Be Snowboarding

Now that the fall weather has been making me wear a jacket (finally!), I can't wait another minute for winter. I know its only like 50 degrees right now where I live but I'm just glad the 100 degree days of summer are over. I'm ssooooo wanting snow and definitely...SNOWBOARDING!! Granted I don't live in a very good area to snowboard (aka no mountains) but I heard there is a man-made place about an hour from my house that I can't wait to check out in a couple months. Anything is better than nothing!

AMAZING!!! Wish I could say this is me. haha!

I started snowboarding my sophomore year in high school and fell in love. Before then, I'd always been a skier. We'd go to the slopes on spring break but that sophomore year I wanted to try something new. And snowboarding looked so cool and so fun. Since then, thats been my choice for winter sports. I still feel like a newbie, since I don't get to go very often. But I love the challenge! I was lucky enough to go a few times last season, but I really wish I lived in an area where I could go every weekend!

Maybe someday!!

Until then I'll just have to save up my money and make the most out of the few and far between trips to the mountains!

Any snowboarders, winter lovers, or mountain obsessed out there?!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm a Wildflower


Hahah! Actually anyone can read this, but if you don't like country music...this probably won't be your thing...

I love hearing fun songs from new country let me introduce you to The JaneDear Girls! They're a little funky and totally country. And their first hit single "Wildflower" has been stuck in my head all week! Its a cutesy country girl song. Check it out!!

Hey, I'm a wildflower, growin' in the sunshine, soakin' up the way of life I was raised in, runnin' barefoot bloomin' in a summer shower, ponytail dancin' I cant help it I'm a wildflower.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Running Gear

So as most of you now, I've taken up running in the past few months and have really enjoyed getting to run in local 5K races. It really gives me that motivation to push myself a little harder, when I know I'm training for an actual event. And for the first time EVER I ran the entire time!! Usually I'll need to walk a little bit during the race, but this time I didn't need any breaks. Big accomplishment for me!! So now I really want to work on building my endurance so I can run longer (and better my time). Look out 10K, I'm coming after you!

Here is a list of some of my fav gear I use when I'm running...

iPod - Gotta have music to keep me going! Usually listen to a mix of country, pop, and hiphop. Anything to keep my mind from thinking "I'm getting tired" Hahah!

Running Skirt - I bought the TNT Plaid Running Skirt ( and I love it!! It is really lightweight and comfortable. Plus it has cute little briefs built into it. Definitely putting these on my christmas list!

SPIbelt - My newest buy! Got one at the expo for the last run I was in. They are these little light weight belts with a spandex pouch that you can stash you keys, phone, ipod, whatever in during your run. It doesn't move very much and you can even put your bib number on it (yay! No more holes in my shirts from the safety pins).

Sweaty Bands - These have been such a life saver!! I have long layered hair and these headbands keep all of the hair out of my face and THEY DON'T SLIDE AT ALL!!! Usually I have to keep adjusting headbands...not these!! Probably my fav running accessory of all time.

What are your running/workout must haves?! Anyone have a favorite water bottle?? I've been looking for a good one to use during a run...but there are so many options out there!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

And My Halloween Costume Is...

It's official...I have my Halloween costume for this year! YEESSSSS!! After much time spent in the costume looking for something cute and easy for me to run in (Halloween 5K Oct. 30), I have found one! I'm going to be....


Ofcourse, this will be a little different looking (aka less sexy) when I'm wearing running tights, a sports bra, tennis shoes, and probably layers of clothing to keep warm. haha! But its super comfortable and pretty darn cute! This was definitely not the first things I tried on....I also tried on a Wilma Flinstone costume (my BF is being Fred), Lady Bug, Beer Wench, and Robin (like Batman and Robin). But this was easily the winner!!!

What are you all being for Halloween?! Happy Haunting!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

ORANGE you glad...

So in honor of it being October and the week of my Alma Mater's Homecoming (Yay!!) I want to do a post about all things ORANGE!!! Okay, let's get started!!

First off, for those that aren't a big fan of orange...give it a chance! Orange has come a long way and I love seeing it 'out there' so much this season. I used to never see orange anything. Now its everywhere!! Yayy!!

Want these shoes so bad!! I mean does it get much better than orange cheetah print, incredible high heels, and strappy orange ribbon around your ankle....I think not!!
Brights Power

I recenly bought 2 orange OPI colors that are sooo awesome! And will definitely be doing my nails this week with them. Brights Power and In My Back Pocket. Brights Power is a true bright orange. In My Back Pocket is more of an orange creme. Both gorgeous!!

In My Back Pocket

And ofcourse I can't leave out the colors of Fall!!! Pumpkins, changing leaves, all the beautiful colors or the outdoors!!! Love love love the shades of Fall!

Thanks again everyone for checking out my blog! Hope you all are having a great week!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Today feels like one of those days...

Today feels like one of those days where you just need to look at some lovely inspiring photos and enjoy the beauty in the world around you...

Happy Monday!

Friday, October 15, 2010


YAYYYY!!!! Its finally Friday!!! Hope yall have awesome plans or maybe just plans to do nothing and rreeelllaaaxx. For me, I am soo pumped its Friday. And the weather is beautiful...60s and sunny! Today - registering for 5K...thats tomorrow! haha! Tonight - Watching basketball or football...not sure yet. Tomorrow - 5K and rreeeelllaaaxxiiing...maybe a movie??

But before I completely enjoy the glory that is about a recap of the week! Early in the week, we went to the pumpkin patch...yay!! Got a couple pumpkins for the house and one of them "is good for eatin'!" according to the pumpkin patch woman. So if it makes it through Halloween, I'm gonna try to make it into a pie or something...its sure to be an adventure!!

The dusty-orange looking pumpkin is the "good for eatin'!" pumpkin.

Wednesday - Our volleyball team played and I totally busted up my finger....actually I hurt it pretty bad the week before but ofcourse I re-injured it this week (had to hold back the tears). So now I have it in a little finger splint, which I don't like wearing cause I feel like a big baby but like wearing because it protects my finger. My finger looks pretty normal except for it being a little puffy but boy does it hurt. Anyway, if anyone has ever worn a finger is so weird! Atleast it seems that way to me. haha! Kind of gets in the way of my other fingers and looks like a robot finger. Hopefully it will be back to normal by next week's game!! Cause I am definitely not sitting out!

Last night - Football game!!! Love college football! :) Great way to kick off the weekend!

And here we are, back to Friday! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, October 8, 2010

One Lovely Blog

Thank you Gina at Anything Imaginable for giving me the One Lovely Blog Award!! I really appreciate it! Everyone should go check out her blog, its really cute and her posts are awesome. Now I want to pass along the award to 3 bloggers that I think have very lovely blogs.
Drumroll please...............

Congratulations!!! And Gina thank you again for this LOVELY award!! Have a great weekend yall!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Halloween 5K

So I've been looking for a Halloween/costume 5K to participate and I found one! YESSSSS! Now, I just need to decide what I should dress up as....something I can run in would be helpful. Haha! Hhhmmm I have a couple costumes I could modify and wear...police woman....witch.....any other ideas?? Lady Gaga would be pretty awesome...

I just love Fall and "Halloween season"! There is something that is still magical and mysterious about October and all the spookiness of Halloween. I still feel like a little kid that gets so excited about this time of year. Plus, I love how everything becomes pumpkin themed....pumpkin spice hot chocolate...pumpkin bread...pumpkin candles....pumpkin anything and everything!

Did I mention I'm probably going to the pumpkin patch this weekend! Yes! Gotta pick out a couple pumpkins for the house!

Have a great rest of the week!! And....any 5K costume suggestions?!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Teacher Teacher, I Have a Question...

I haven't been able to post in a few days because I just started substitute teaching at an elementary school.....eeeeek! Thats right, something I never thought I'd do. But with my BF working at the school and my lack of finding a permanent job (business degree), I decided to try subbing.

It really hasn't been too bad, but its definitely a stressful job (atleast for me anyway). I have a new found respect for teachers out there. I had no idea how hard teachers have to work all day every day. Keeping control of the classroom, answering any and all questions, following policies, and remembering to keep your cool under pressure. I have many many fond memories of being in elementary school but it is sooooo different when you are the teacher. So, to all those real teachers out there, I salute you! You are a blessing to all us non-teachers and business majors in the world!

Hoping to find a more permanent job soon! Wish me luck!