Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Teacher Teacher, I Have a Question...

I haven't been able to post in a few days because I just started substitute teaching at an elementary school.....eeeeek! Thats right, something I never thought I'd do. But with my BF working at the school and my lack of finding a permanent job (business degree), I decided to try subbing.

It really hasn't been too bad, but its definitely a stressful job (atleast for me anyway). I have a new found respect for teachers out there. I had no idea how hard teachers have to work all day every day. Keeping control of the classroom, answering any and all questions, following policies, and remembering to keep your cool under pressure. I have many many fond memories of being in elementary school but it is sooooo different when you are the teacher. So, to all those real teachers out there, I salute you! You are a blessing to all us non-teachers and business majors in the world!

Hoping to find a more permanent job soon! Wish me luck!