Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mashed Potatoes

I've always just steered clear of making Mashed Potatoes (except for the holidays) because I thought it was too hard or too time consuming or too blah-blah-blah...more random excuses! Well, two nights ago, I figured I'd just give it a try for the first time by myself...turns out when you're just making Mashed Potatoes for 2...its a breeze! For those that have never made Mashed Potatoes or had a million excuses not's a super easy way! I don't know why I always avoided making them before!

6 medium sized potatoes (I used Yukon Gold)
Pepper (I used Medium Grind Black Pepper)
Garlic Salt

Clean, peel, and chop potatoes into cubes. Place in pot and cover with water. Cover, bring to boil, and cook for 20-25 mins. Drain, mash, and add butter, milk, pepper, and garlic salt. As far as measuring goes, I just add and taste. If you don't like garlic, you can just use regular salt.

This was so easy and made fluffy, yummy, Mashed Potatoes! Plus they kept really well in the refrigerator for later.
