Friday, November 5, 2010

Operation Beautiful

I heard about this a few months ago and then stumbled across it online. I'm pretty sure all women out there (and men) have looked in the mirror at some point and thought something negative about themselves...we've all done it...but that stops now! Time to get our self esteem out of the gutter!

Operation Beautiful was created to help end negative self-talk or "fat talk". All you have to do to participate is leave positive post-it messages on mirrors at public restrooms at the gym, work, etc. I think it would even be great around your own house. Just little notes of motivation to remind other people that they are amazing just the way they are! Check out for more info and message ideas!

Here are some examples I found online...

I'm going to throw a pack of post-its in my purse and start doing this for sure! I know if I saw one of these, it would definitely make my day! I can't think of anyone who would NOT want to see a positive message when looking in the mirror. This is such a wonderful and empowering idea!! Be sure to pass this idea on to friends!

 Has anyone participated in Operation Beautiful or seen one of the notes?!