Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Be Nice to People

You never know when one small comment can change a person's day..or even a person's life.

Has a stranger ever complimented you for no apparent reason?

Ex: Hey I really like your shoes/nails/shirt/hair/whatever. And that one little comment made you forget how much you dislike your job? Or how crummy your day is going? Or that you've been late for every single appointment that day? Or that you failed your exam? Or anything that's keeping you from feeling happy?

 I really believe that its small acts of kindness from a stanger, family member, friend, or co-worker can change a person's outlook. So remember to just be nice to people.

They may not appreciate it at the time or totally blow you off but that could be because they're so over-the-top shocked at your random kindness that they don't know what to do. Or they're too caught up in what's going on in their to realize kindness when it's right in front of them. But then maybe they'll think about it later and realize that you were nice when you didn't have to be.

I'm sure you've felt that warm feeling when someone is nice to you for no apparent reason. Why not make someone else feel that way? Who knows, you could be that little push that changes their life or atleast makes their day.

Be nice out there! :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


*Me at a local 5K sporting my RUN NAKED shirt*

"If you want to be seen, RUN NAKED."

No, I haven't taken up *streaking* but I have been known to be out and about in my new Run Naked gear from Run Naked Sports.

What's great about this brand is that not only are the shirts comfortable, but they keep you safe. Each product is printed with 3M Scotchlite reflective material so when you're out for an evening run, you can be seen by cars. With the extended heat wave we've been having, night running is a must. So why not feel comfortable and SEEN when you're out getting in your miles.

Plus this company has amazing customer service. Not long after I placed my order, I received a personal email from Joan, owner of RNS. She also suggested a size change for my order! How awesome!! I ended up getting gear that fit perfectly!!

Cute, Safe, and a great conversation starter!! Check out Run Naked won't be disappointed!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Running Motivation

I love this quote!! I need to remember this when I'm feeling down about my speed or if I'm thinking about not going on a run at all...what really matters is that you're getting out there and running. Anything is better than nothing. Get off the couch and enjoy the rest of your day!

Happy Running!

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Perfect Military Jacket

I know its only mid-August but I can't help it...I am ready for Fall!! And in my area of the country, I'd say we have atleast another month of warm weather before we get the glorious crisp mornings and falling leaves that make up Fall.

Anyway, the heat is not keeping me from endulging in some Fall shopping. Besides looking for a great new pair of knee high boots, I've been looking for the perfect army green military jacket. Definitely want it to be tailored for a womens body (not big and boxy) and work as a transition jacket for those slightly chilly Fall evenings. One problem...haven't found it yet! I've seen a few in random shops but haven't been able to find just the right fit. So my search continues...any suggestions!?

What's your Fall fashion must-have?!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Angel Runner

This morning marked our second race of the "running season" and I was definitely not feeling great. One of those days where I wasn't feeling that MOTIVATION needed to power through the run. I had about 1/3 of the race left and had slowed down to a walking pace...then out of angel appeared! Okay so it wasn't a heavenly being with wings or some out of body experience...But it was a complete stranger, an Angel Runner, motivating me to pick it up and keep running!!

She ran up beside me, looking even more exhausted than me, and grabbed my shoulder saying...

AR: Come on, you can make it! We're almost there!
Me: Okay, okay let's go!
AR: If I push you to run then I have to too!
Me: *Laughing* Thank you! I really needed that!!

We continued to run and repeated to eachother "We're almost there! Come on!"

As we made it into the final turn, I boosted up my speed and ran through a dense pack of runners. After crossing the finish, I looked back to find my Angel Runner that had motivated me to push through the finish. She was nowhere to be seen! I kept walking and looking for her so I could thank her for befriending a stranger and helping me...I could never find her. Like she was never there at all!

Sometimes people come in and out of your life from brief moments when you really need them! So thank you Angel Runner for helping me out today! It reminded me how important and amazing a kind word or action from a stranger can be.

Has anyone else encountered the kindness of a stranger or been that Angel for a complete stranger? Human kindness should never be underestimated.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


And I'm back to blogging!!!
After taking the summer off from blogging...unintentionally of course..I had such a busy summer that I just ran out of time! BUT I'm back! Here's the scoop on my summer...

First off - I got ENGAGED!!! My fiance and I have been together forever! We were high school sweethearts and had to do the long distance relationship thing for awhile during the college years but finally last year, we got to be in the same place together! :) He popped the question on June 4th and I was beyond excited! I'm so blessed to be marrying such an incredible man!

Next up - Signed up for my first HALF MARATHON!! I'm running in the Nike Womens Marathon in San Francisco and am so pumped about it!! Ofcourse I am a little worried about all the steep hills but hopefully I can kick up my training and be somewhat prepared. PLUS all the finishers get a Tiffany's about motivation!!

Other than these two major events - my summer has involved working full time and wedding planning! It's been a great few months and I definitely ready for cooler weather and the crisp feeling of Fall.

How was your summer?! Hope all of you are happy and healthy!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011





All you have to do, Bernadette, is comment on this post and include your email address. Then I'll contact you to get your mailing address (so you don't have to post it from everyone to see). Remember you only have 1 week from today to respond. If I don't hear from you, I'll be picking a new winner!!

Thank you everyone that entered the giveaway!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


YAY!!! I've always wanted to do a giveaway on my blog and thanks to the AWESOME people at Bondi Band, I get to give away one of their amazing headbands!!

First off, I want to do a review for a headband they sent me to keep. It's one of their lycra patterned headbands. These are really slick feeling and light weight. I like to layer it over one of the sweat wicking (heavier material) bands to keep it from sliding when I'm working out. It definitely keeps my hair back and thats a HUGE deal for since I have long hair. I LOVE this pattern! Its a beautiful hippie-ish 1960's inspired pattern. SO CUTE!! Definitely would purchase more of these!


The hot pink "I run like a girl" headband is going to one lucky blog follower!! I put it on so you all could see how cute it is on! It's the sweat wicking material thats PERFECT for long runs or just keeping your hair back. I will be randomly selecting one winner on APRIL 18TH. Literally, I will put all the names in a hat and draw one out! :) Here's what you have to do to enter the giveaway....

1) Be a follower of A Girl In The Sunshine

2) Comment on this post about why you would LOVE to have a new Bondi Band!

3) For an extra entry, Post on your blog about the giveaway and link it to my blog. Then comment on my blog with the link to your giveaway post.

THATS IT!!! Good luck everyone!! GIVEAWAY ENDS APRIL 18TH at Midnight (central time)! I'll post the winner's name on my blog the following day so be sure to check back!!

The winner will have one week to respond to the winning post with their contact info. If I am unable to get in contact with the winner after one week, a new winner will be chosen.

YAY FOR BONDI BANDS!!!! Check out alllll the Bondi Bands at !!!