Thursday, September 30, 2010

Protect Second Base!

October 1 kicks off Breast Cancer Awareness month!! And since I won't be able to post tomorrow, I thought I'd go ahead and start off BC awareness right now!

I was flipping through Shape magazine (October) and most of the magazine is focused on breast cancer awesome!! Seems like everywhere I look, there is a promotion or reminder to check yourself. Early detection is key! I think it is absolutely wonderful we live in a society where it is so easy to educate ourselves about not only breast cancer, but any cancer or disease or health issue.

Last weekend, I participated in Race for the Cure. If you're not familiar, its put on by Susan G. Komen for the Cure...a huge huge global leader in the breast cancer movement. My mom and I walked the 5K surrounded by breast cancer survivors, supporters, families, and people who have lost loved ones to breast cancer. It's so moving to see all people in "survivor" tshirts and the teams who are walking to honor those still fighting cancer.

In 2003, my grandmother lost her battle with breast cancer. She was one of the strongest women I have ever known. She really kept our family together and would be the first to defend any of us. I miss her so much!

In honor of breast cancer awareness month, I wanted to share some ways you can donate to the cause! Trust me, this is a worthy cause. And some of these are pretty funny! Laughter and happiness can really change your outlook on life and keep your faith and hope strong!

* Run/Walk at Race for the Cure - Registration is just $25 and your money goes towards breast cancer research and patient/family support. Plus you get a really cute tshirt! And see all of those people coming together in the fight against breast cancer is amazing.

Protect 2nd Base Tshirt- One of my good friends at A Red Heel State of Mind was wearing this shirt during a 5K and I thought it was so clever and adorable! Proceeds go to Komen for a Cure.

* Rumba Time Watch - These watches are awesome and the breast cancer edition watch is super cute. Ofcourse its pink and 20% of the proceeds go to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation...and in October its 40%! Rumba watches are waterproof and super light weight. I wear mine running, in the shower, everywhere! Did I mention each watch is only $20 !?!

* Make a pink ribbon pin - This is a simple and easy way to show your support of breast cancer awareness month. All you need is a small piece of pink ribbon and a safety pin. Or if you don't want to make your own, many retailers give them away for free during the month. I picked up mine at Clinique!

* Save The Ta-Tas! - Orignial company to make these shirts! 25% of the proceeds go toward BC research. Some are cute and some are funny! Definitely can find one to suit you!

This month is a great time to remember the ones we miss and encourage the ones fighting! I truly believe that support, laughter, love, and prayer can make a huge difference!