Thursday, September 30, 2010

Protect Second Base!

October 1 kicks off Breast Cancer Awareness month!! And since I won't be able to post tomorrow, I thought I'd go ahead and start off BC awareness right now!

I was flipping through Shape magazine (October) and most of the magazine is focused on breast cancer awesome!! Seems like everywhere I look, there is a promotion or reminder to check yourself. Early detection is key! I think it is absolutely wonderful we live in a society where it is so easy to educate ourselves about not only breast cancer, but any cancer or disease or health issue.

Last weekend, I participated in Race for the Cure. If you're not familiar, its put on by Susan G. Komen for the Cure...a huge huge global leader in the breast cancer movement. My mom and I walked the 5K surrounded by breast cancer survivors, supporters, families, and people who have lost loved ones to breast cancer. It's so moving to see all people in "survivor" tshirts and the teams who are walking to honor those still fighting cancer.

In 2003, my grandmother lost her battle with breast cancer. She was one of the strongest women I have ever known. She really kept our family together and would be the first to defend any of us. I miss her so much!

In honor of breast cancer awareness month, I wanted to share some ways you can donate to the cause! Trust me, this is a worthy cause. And some of these are pretty funny! Laughter and happiness can really change your outlook on life and keep your faith and hope strong!

* Run/Walk at Race for the Cure - Registration is just $25 and your money goes towards breast cancer research and patient/family support. Plus you get a really cute tshirt! And see all of those people coming together in the fight against breast cancer is amazing.

Protect 2nd Base Tshirt- One of my good friends at A Red Heel State of Mind was wearing this shirt during a 5K and I thought it was so clever and adorable! Proceeds go to Komen for a Cure.

* Rumba Time Watch - These watches are awesome and the breast cancer edition watch is super cute. Ofcourse its pink and 20% of the proceeds go to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation...and in October its 40%! Rumba watches are waterproof and super light weight. I wear mine running, in the shower, everywhere! Did I mention each watch is only $20 !?!

* Make a pink ribbon pin - This is a simple and easy way to show your support of breast cancer awareness month. All you need is a small piece of pink ribbon and a safety pin. Or if you don't want to make your own, many retailers give them away for free during the month. I picked up mine at Clinique!

* Save The Ta-Tas! - Orignial company to make these shirts! 25% of the proceeds go toward BC research. Some are cute and some are funny! Definitely can find one to suit you!

This month is a great time to remember the ones we miss and encourage the ones fighting! I truly believe that support, laughter, love, and prayer can make a huge difference!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Volleyball LOVE

This week, my BF and I have our first game for our adult volleyball league!!! We both LOVE playing volleyball so we thought...lets put a team together...why not!

My volleyball background...I started playing volleyball when I was in 4th grade and fell in love with the sport. I continued to play through middle school and joined a competitive team my 8th grade year. That was a blast! I got to travel around the state with one of my best friends playing tons of volleyball. I also made the transition to being a full time setter for our team. Something that I looooove about volleyball...everyone discovering what position they excel at on the court. Setting became my passion! Then high school came and I got super busy! Friends, activities, and other sports...craziness... I played the first two years of high school and then had to make a choice...cheerleading or volleyball. My coaches weren't going to let me do both anymore. I chose cheerleading, but I've always missed volleyball. I played a couple years in college (intramurals ofcourse) indoor and beach. LOVED IT! This is really something I don't think I'll ever stop doing! 

So here I am, new city, new team, new adventure! So excited to play with our team! Old friends, new friends, and a couple new faces! Can't wait! Oh and did I mention our team name...Kinky Sets! Haha!

What your fav hobby or sport?! Everyone has one thing they love to do that follows them through could be something you've loved for years or something new you discover today!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sweaty Bands - Giveaway

Holly @ Rust Belt Runner is giving away Sweaty Bands! These are headbands that don't slide off and keep your hair out of your face when you're running, playing, and working out. Plus, they come in tons of patterns and are super cute. Holly also has an awesome blog for runners, check it out!! Her giveaway ends Sept. 30!! Go to her blog for giveaway details!

Good Luck!


That's right! Two days ago I started a new workout program with my BF....INSANITY! Thats actually what its called! Haha! Its a series of DVDs and the whole program is 60 days. Its interval training with tons of cardio. Basically right up my alley! And yes, it totally kicks my butt! Its kind of similar to P90X (if anyone out there has done that) except no weights or bands.

Hoping this will keep me working out everyday, now that its officially Fall. Happy Fall Yall! And since it is getting cooler out, that means it will soon be winter and I won't want to work out at all. Cold and cloudy weather just makes me want to take nap/sit by the fire instead of put on my shoes and run! I'll definitely be posting more to let you all know how Insanity goes!

What's your favorite workout?!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Meg's Party!


Meg at Life of Meg is having a Mingle Party! And you know what that means....great opportunity to get more followers and find awesome new blogs! If you're not a follower of Meg's blog, its really really cute! We actually used to take dance class together when we were little girls (so fun) and she is such a sweetheart. So check out her blog and join the party! The Mingle link closes Wednesday at Midnight!

Psssh! Hairspray!

I am on the search....the search for a new hairspray! I don't know how many of you all use hairspray to keep your look in place, but I'm tired of hairsprays that make your hair look dull and kind of frizzy. What I'm using definitely gives my hair a boost but it takes away the shine and looks too frozen-in-time. Haha!

Anyone have suggestions for a hairspray thats touchable and keeps the shine???

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Clinique Obsessed

As you all know, I had eye surgery and ever since I've been very careful about what I put on my face and near my eyes. In other words, MAKEUP! I realized that the foundation I was using was really irritating my eyes (only took me like 5 months to realize this) and so I decided to change to Clinique. I was drawn to Clinique because I've used some of their products in the past and everything is allergy tested. So I know it won't irritate my eyes! Yay! I've been using Clinique foundation and concealer for a few weeks now and have had no problems!!! Yes, it is more expensive than drugstore brands, but for me, it is sooooo worth it!

I thought I'd go ahead and make yall a list of my fav Clinique products!! If you have sensitive skin, easily irritated eyes, or just love great makeup...then this list is for you!

*Acne Solutions Foundation - LOVE this stuff! My skin is prone to breaking out and this foundation is great. Keeps my skin from getting too oily and has salycic acid in it to treat and help prevent more breakouts.
*High Impact Mascara - Big time volume and glossy lashes! It comes off easily with just water and doesn't bother my eyes at all. And it doesn't flake off during the day!!

*Fresh Bloom Allover Colour - I use this as blush in Peony and it looks really really pretty! It highlights your cheeks and makes your skin look fresh and young. REALLY GREAT PRODUCT!

*Colour Surge Eye Shadow Quad - This are cute little eyeshadows that are perfect for traveling and they're meant to be worn together. Makes doing your eye makeup a piece of cake!

*Quickliner for Eyes Intense - LIMITED EDITION - Just bought a couple of these eyeliners and they are so awesome! The "intense" edition is limited time, so get them while you can. Same as normal Quickliner, but the colors are more pigmented and....intense. haha! They rock!

What are your fav makeup products??

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fall Decor

Just finished decorating our house for Fall!! Yay! I love adding little Autumn touches around the house and digging out my yummy smelling candles. Ofcourse, I had to get a couple of new ones this year. I found the most amazing candle....
Cinnabon Caramel Pecan Cinnamon Roll
$5 at Wal-Mart

What a deal!! It smells like I'm baking some fantastic cinnamon rolls whenever I burn it. It actually makes me hungry! haha! I also found a more pricey one at Bath & Body Works that looks like a little pine cone and smells like Fall evenings (It's called Autumn). Here are some photos to inspire your own Fall decor....


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Eiffel for this Color


Or atleast I like to think so! I was at a beauty supply store last week and feeling very Fall was raining and cool last...Fall had arrived (or atleast for that day). Haha! Anyway, I was looking for a new dark shade from OPI. I wanted a dark red or purple that is sooooo dark its almost black but not quite. And I found it!!!

Eiffel for this Color

I literally fell for this color! Its from OPI's France collection...think it was a couple years ago. The color is a deep deep reddish-plum with a slight red sparkly shimmer to it. The photo does not do it justice! And its not your typically flat black that looks really intense. The color looks gorgeous in the sunshine!

What are your fav colors for Fall??

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Yay! Award Time!!!

Sunny Days & Starry Nights just gave me this awesome award!! Thank you girls for thinking of my blog. It's definitely being added to my blog.  

Here are the rules for the next winners...

1. Thank the blogger who gave me the award...
Thanks again girls! LOVE the award! Everyone should go check out Sunny Days & Starry Nights!

2. Sum up your blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience using five words...

Girl Loving Life and Adventures!

3. Pass this on to 10 other bloggers that you feel have a substance in their blogs.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Remembering 9/11...

I remember exactly where I was when I heard about the towers falling in New York.....I was on my way to my high school freshman English class and one my friends came running up to me to tell me the news. Everyone was really freaked out and all we did in my classes was listen to the radio coverage from NY. Parents were pulling their kids out of school and everyone was calling home, trying to figure out what was going on and what would happen next. In the days that follow, and months, everyone was scared. It was a really frightening time but also a time to come together. Literally a time to unite. A time to call your family and friends and tell them how much you care about them. A time to show more love.

Nine years later, here we are. I can't believe so much time has passed. I hope everyone can take some time out of their day tomorrow to remember what that day was like and say a prayer for those who are no longer with us and the families and friends who lost loved ones on that day. I will never forget.

To: The Sunshine Readers

I started this blog back in April and it has been such a fun and creative way to express myself. I love putting together posts and brainstorming about what I'll write about reviews, outdoor adventures, books, new music, recipes, interesting quotes, and funny videos...But it wouldn't be nearly as fun if I didn't have awesome blog followers leaving supportive comments.

So, amazing readers, this post is for YOU! Thank you to all the *Sunshine* followers out there. Blogging wouldn't be nearly as exciting without your interaction and support. YOU INSPIRE ME! Thank you thank you thank you!

Hope you all have an INSPIRING day!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chili Night!

my chili & my happy spoon!

After writing a post about my Fall Favorites, I decided to make Chili for dinner! Its the perfect Fall food and even though the weather isn't exactly "cold" I still had a craving for some homemade Chili. Yum!

Does anyone have a Chili recipe they want to share? I love new recipes!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fall Favorites

TOP 10 THINGS I LOVE ABOUT FALL!!!    In no particular order....

10) Cool Weather & Chili - After a really hot summer, I love the cool cool weather of Fall. It actually is comfortable to be outside in the middle of the day and at night time you need a light jacket. Also, I love making and eating Chili...its just not the same when you make it in the summer. Fall = Perfect!

9) Football Season - LOVE football season! Especially being able to watch a game on the field. Reminds me of being back in school and all the excitement of a new school year! Plus, its hard to beat college football Saturdays.

8) Vogue September Issue - FASHION ALERT! Biggest issue of the year is the September issue and its always packed with the best Fall fashion. Even better, almost all women's/fashion mags are doing huge September issues.

7) Hoodies, Jeans, & Flip Flops - During Fall, I love being able to wear hoodies, jeans, and flip flops. The weather isn't quite cold flip flops are still an option! Yeah!

6) Changing Leaves - Fall is so beautiful because the trees become amazing shades of red, yellow, and orange. Plus I love the *crunch* of dried leaves when you step on them.

5) Halloween - So I know I'm way beyond trick-or-treating but I still love Halloween. Every year is something different to do....hand out candy to little ones, scary movie, costume party...whatever it is, its always fun!

4) Pumpkin Patches & Haunted Houses - This goes along with #5 but I love going to a pumpkin patch and picking out the best ones, just like when you're a kid. And they always have those funky-shaped gourds. Those are pretty cool! And ofcourse, Haunted Houses are a blast! I went to one in the middle of nowhere and it was especially freaky! So fun!

3) Dark OPI Polish - I think dark finger nail polish can look so chic, but in the summer time its a little too intense looking. But for Fall, it is fabulous! I am loving dark jewel tones, dark reds, and those really dark plums. Lincoln Park After Dark, Diva of Geneva, Royal Rajah Ruby, Miami Beet, and Plugged in Plum are a few of my favs. But the new Swiss collection is AMAZING too!

2) Sitting by a Fire - This is fun to do in the summer, but when its so hot you really don't need the fire's warmth. Fall is perfect for bonfires with friends or getting your fireplace going in your home. The sound of a crackling fire and smell of Fall evenings is so wonderful!

1) New Vera Bradley Patterns - I love love love Vera Bradley and this Fall's colors are so cute!! My personal fav is Very Berry Paisley. Yay for Vera!

What do you love about Fall???

The Boys of Fall

Kenny Chesney in high school!

There are many things I love about Fall...changing leaves, cool evenings, hoodies, and Halloween...but one of my absolute favorites is football season. And when I heard Kenny Chesney's The Boys of Fall, it reminded me once again of why I love football and Fall. Especially Friday night high school football! I cheered all four years in high school and there is something really special about those Friday nights. The energy is so incredible and I loved spending all that time with my high school friends. If you love football and thought those high school nights were something special, you'll love Kenny's music video for this song. It reminds me of being of teenager and cheering on my high school friends. Even though it feels like a million years ago, I'll never forget those Friday nights.