Thursday, September 23, 2010


That's right! Two days ago I started a new workout program with my BF....INSANITY! Thats actually what its called! Haha! Its a series of DVDs and the whole program is 60 days. Its interval training with tons of cardio. Basically right up my alley! And yes, it totally kicks my butt! Its kind of similar to P90X (if anyone out there has done that) except no weights or bands.

Hoping this will keep me working out everyday, now that its officially Fall. Happy Fall Yall! And since it is getting cooler out, that means it will soon be winter and I won't want to work out at all. Cold and cloudy weather just makes me want to take nap/sit by the fire instead of put on my shoes and run! I'll definitely be posting more to let you all know how Insanity goes!

What's your favorite workout?!