Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Volleyball LOVE

This week, my BF and I have our first game for our adult volleyball league!!! We both LOVE playing volleyball so we thought...lets put a team together...why not!

My volleyball background...I started playing volleyball when I was in 4th grade and fell in love with the sport. I continued to play through middle school and joined a competitive team my 8th grade year. That was a blast! I got to travel around the state with one of my best friends playing tons of volleyball. I also made the transition to being a full time setter for our team. Something that I looooove about volleyball...everyone discovering what position they excel at on the court. Setting became my passion! Then high school came and I got super busy! Friends, activities, and other sports...craziness... I played the first two years of high school and then had to make a choice...cheerleading or volleyball. My coaches weren't going to let me do both anymore. I chose cheerleading, but I've always missed volleyball. I played a couple years in college (intramurals ofcourse) indoor and beach. LOVED IT! This is really something I don't think I'll ever stop doing! 

So here I am, new city, new team, new adventure! So excited to play with our team! Old friends, new friends, and a couple new faces! Can't wait! Oh and did I mention our team name...Kinky Sets! Haha!

What your fav hobby or sport?! Everyone has one thing they love to do that follows them through life...it could be something you've loved for years or something new you discover today!