Friday, September 3, 2010

Final Days of Summer

Happy Labor Day Weekend!!!

It doesn't matter how old you are, Labor Day weekend always marks that last weekend of summer. School may have already started for many of you but summer still seems like its in full swing til this long weekend. Last chance to hit the pool (hopefully they're still open wherever you are) and enjoy the outdoors!

Today we're having the best weather in weeks! Finally in the 70s and sunny! Makes me forget about all those 100+ degree days and random thunderstorm downpours. Don't get me wrong, I love listening to the rolling thunder and enjoying a nice summer rain shower...but when thunderstorms pop up out of nowhere and rain out my summer plans...I'm not the biggest fan.

This weekend, I'm running my first 5K ever!! I'm so excited! Definitely don't feel totally prepared but I can't wait to start the run. Time to put that training to the test! The rest of the weekend will be spent outside with family and friends. I love the laziness of the end of summer. Nothing can be more enjoyable than a long weekend and a forecast for beautiful weather.

What are your plans for Labor Day weekend?!