Monday, June 28, 2010

Be Fearless

Tomorrow I'm having eye surgery!! eeeeek! So, sadly, I won't be able to do many posts over the next week or so. I'm a little nervous about the whole surgery thing. I mean I have had one eye operated on already but still...eye surgery makes me nervous. But I'm trying to stay calm and be FEARLESS! I keep telling myself that I can do this and that I'll have my family and Brock around to take care of me post-surgery. Overall its a fairly simple procedure, so I'm hoping all will go as planned. Plus, I know there are many people out there dealing with much more intensive surgeries everyday and that they are being brave.

So for all those fears we deal with on a daily basis and for the big, scary ones that give us more concern...remember that each of us is strong and fearless. We can and will make it through!!