Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bike It !

Love for bicycles starts when you're a little little kid...with training wheels. From there, atleast for me, I couldn't wait to get those training wheels off! When I finally did, I knocked my front tooth out..whoops! hehe! After that, I wanted a big girl bike...and then a mountain bike! My bikes have kept on changing and evolving along with me.

Then as I was about to graduate from college (a year ago), I fell for another kind of bicycle...Cruiserssssss. Beach cruisers are the cutest (and most comfortable) bikes I've ever seen!! Brock surprised me with an adorable pink and white cruiser bike for graduation!!!!

Yayy for nice weather!! I can't wait to ride it around all summer. Great mode of transportation. Plus, it saves a lot of $$$$ on gas!