Friday, June 25, 2010

Helllooo Dirtbikes!

Last summer, Brock and I got dirtbikes...I'd never ridden one before and it was a whole new adventure for the both of us. And let me tell ya..I had no idea I'd LOVE it this much!

In the beginning, I had my fair share of falls and it took a little while for me to get the hang of shifting on a dirtbike. I drove a stick-shift Jeep all through high school but shifting on a bike feels wwaayyy different (atleast to me anyway). But now, shifting is a breeze and I'm feeling pretty confident when I kick start my bike and go for a ride!

I'm getting more and more adventurous everytime we ride (I go a little faster and try little jumps) haha! Brock's already a pro at riding...did I mention he can do pop-a-wheelies?! We have a blast riding together plus its always fun to find something new that turns into a passion.

[Hopefully this will be me someday!]

I'll be sure to post pics when I do my first BIG JUMP! Vroom Vroom!!