Friday, June 11, 2010

Run, Forrest, Run!

*This product makes me want to run!!* haha! The Nike+ running sensor has been amazing for helping me track my runs and keep me motivated. I just started running (literally, just started 3 days ago) and I already really like this little gadget! Its a small sensor that fits in your shoe under the sole insert (for Nike+ shoes). 

It syncs with my iPod, so when I'm working out it tells me in minutes how long I've been running, the distance, and my pace. You can even program a "power song" when you need an extra boost during your workout. Then after your workout, you can plug your iPod into your computer and send your stats to the Nike website. There you can see your running history, set goals, challenge friends, and lots of other motivating fun stuff.

I have an iPod nano so I had to buy the Nike+ sensor and receiver combo. Different iPod versions don't need the receiver. And if you don't have an iPod, you can buy the wristband that shows your stats digitally. Pretty sweet!

If anyone has one of these Nike+ sensors, I'd love to hear what you think of it!! So far, I'm a big fan!